What is a Geriatric Nursing Assistant?

Gerontology Specialists recommend that it is best to grow old at home, with the people you love, with your objects, furniture, routes, routine, but there are certain situations in which the older person requires daily attendance, for example, fragility, disability. In order to ease the task of the overload caregiver / family, and  to maintain the autonomy of the adult , sometimes hiring  a home assistant -also called geriatric home caregiver or formal caregiver for the day, the night, or just for a few days or hours might be of great help.


Gerontology Specialists recommend that it is best to grow old at home, with the people you love, with your objects, furniture, routes, routine, but there are certain situations in which the older person requires daily attendance, for example, fragility, disability. In order to ease the task of the overload caregiver / family, and  to maintain the autonomy of the adult , sometimes hiring  a home assistant -also called geriatric home caregiver or formal caregiver for the day, the night, or just for a few days or hours might be of great help.