Impulse to new academic and labour opportunities for Native Communities


Secretary of Work and Employment, Liliana Spoljaric, received  the representatives of Chaco headquarters of the Association of Health Workers of Argentina (ATSA) with whom she began to discuss the implementation of a project for a university degree in Nursing for citizens of native people.

«It is an interesting proposal that involves adding alternative employment to sectors that need the support of the state for the development of their communities,» said the official about the meeting he had with the Secretary General of ATSA Chaco, Ramon Flores.

The proposal   involves   a College Degree in Nursing, with nationwide validity, and concerning Chaco, there are records of certified nursing assistants in Chaco indigenous communities who would be possible candidates for a higher university degree.

Another aspect this project analyses concerns the respect for the identity and the culture of indigenous communities that will ensure the purpose of granting legitimacy and consensus within native people. Spoljaric said they are working on projects that involve   the implementation of training in trades and that ensure their  right to education.

«Together with the Ministry of Labor’s Office, we are working out  details of courses that will mean job opportunities for members of the three ethnic groups living in the province, a proposal that has the support of organizations representing our native people» he said.

Successful Experiences

In turn, Flores explained that the course has had excellent results in Tucumán and other Northern provinces where it was implemented by Fundación  Docencia e Investigación, an institution that belongs to  FATSA, who brings  together health labour. She further argued   that the main challenge is to be able to overcome the indigenous resistance to traditional medicine observed on several occasions.

«We want to achieve the natural empathy between members of the same community and that their graduated nurses promote the   importance of using Health Care Centres when they have health problems» he said.