A nurse, two inventions

Em 25 de abril deste ano, o senador Sandra Gimenez, na província de Misiones, apresentou ao Senado o projeto de nação para declarar duas invenções de interesse para o campo da saúde. A proposta baseia-se tanto a novidade ea eficiência das invenções, como o esforço e mérito de seu inventor.


On April 25 this year, Senator Sandra Gimenez in the province of Misiones, presented to the Senate of a project to declare two inventions of interest for the field of health. The proposal is based on both the novelty and efficiency of inventions, such as the effort and merit of its inventor.

We want to share this story because we think it can serve to inspire and encourage our employees to participate in our contest. We want to emphasize the power of observation and motivation of the worker as a source and motor for innovation.

This is a story of personal achievement to be highlighted, as Sergio Fernandez, the man in question was born in Campo Grande Mission where he went to work selling sparks, harvest of tea, to his childhood and part of youth carpentry and then to temporary work in the harvest of yerba mate -tarefa. At age 25 he decided to finish high school and start their higher education. He received his university nurse at the National University of Misiones, and did a degree at the University of La Plata. From then until 2014 he worked with critically ill patients in the hospital San Juan de La Plata and from this experience and the desire to improve the care of their patients, which began to develop these products. It is a fixative disposable endotracheal tube for patients with ARM (Assistance respiratory mechanics) and a urine quantifier gives more comfort and prevents injury and dermatitis.
THE FIXER endotracheal tube DESCARTABLE

The idea of ​​fixing arose from the observation and «take the place of the patient and ask how to improve the injuries that occur when establishing an endotracheal tube to the patient with respiratory mechanical assistance. Normally, you typically use gauze in ARM patients and for babies who go through incubators and this contributes to the growth of microorganisms. This invention inhibits the proliferation and facilitates the work of professionals and also prevents lesions of the corner of his mouth.

The invention allows fixing the pipe in place, safely and quickly, also considering holding a nasogastric tube in the same fixture, providing the professional aspiration and oral hygiene of the patient. It is done with disposable, flexible material, adhesives and dermatologically tested, very economic cost, which allows optimal fixation of the tube in time and accessibility.
The quantizer URINE

The other contribution is the urine quantifier «does not exist at present and prevents the patient dawns wet, avoid bed sores». The latter «came from a grandfather who had a stroke and who attended at home. He asked me to stay with him all night. And I could not. Sure you put a conventional diaper at night and when he returned at 4 in the morning Grandpa was all wet, «says Sergio. Innovation is a diaper containing an absorbent that prevents the spread stool and urine tube sent directly to quantifying bag. Thus prevents diaper dermatitis and can remain much longer without change because it does not get wet. It is for children and adults and is for use in clinics, hospitals and nursing homes. For manufacturing used local materials and has a low cost of production. «It involves practicality, thrift, prevents dermatitis patient and facilitates sampling professional when certain analyzes are required.

Sergio Fernandez began to develop his inventions five years ago in a small laboratory that was put together at home and the experiences performed in patients of the Hospital San Juan de La Plata, where he worked until the end of 2014. Now, both elements are at the Institute National Intellectual Property (INPI) through the evidence necessary to make it exclusively patented as Argentina.

The products and the inventor are a real pride for the country and for all of us.


Sandra Gimenez

News 6

Sandra Gimenez

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